
Sweet and Spicy Curriculum Challenge

Steve Waddell • Oct 23, 2017

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By Steve Waddell 11 Sep, 2024
This is the third and final article in our series about supporting Texas Schools with TEKS standards (you can find part I here and part II here ). Today we are highlighting our Web and Mobile Game Design course and certification , which meets the 126.48 Web Game Development TEKS standard in collaboration with our certification partner, Web Professionals Global , the international association for those who work in the world of the web. Currently, the state where we have certified the most Web and Mobile Game Designers in our schools is Texas. So, needless to say, we are proud of our Texas teachers and students. Industry Trends Web and mobile game design is a growing industry that isn’t going away anytime soon. By 2025, revenue for mobile games will be more than $138 billion and over 70% of Google Play revenue will be from mobile games. The game design industry in Texas is substantial and continues to grow. Texas has the second largest concentration of game studios in the U.S. with over 100 studios in Austin alone that contribute approximately $1 billion annually to the local economy. Other major hubs include Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston. Texas' vibrant game development scene is further fueled by the state’s role as a major center for mobile app development. In terms of employment, game designers in Texas earn an average annual salary of about $88,140, with job opportunities spanning from indie studios to larger developers. Course Overview Our curriculum exposes your students to this exciting career pathway and shows them the opportunities that exist in the industry. The project-based learning approach guides students to earning their first international industry-recognized certifications. They learn critical STEM skills, develop confidence, and build a college- and career-ready portfolio. Thanks to our industry partnership, students have the option of obtaining a third-party international industry-recognized certification in web game design. This certification is free to schools and students thanks to a unique sponsorship program. As students naturally progress through the course by completing lessons and projects, they also meet the certification’s industry requirements. At the end of the course, students have the option of registering and receiving their new industry-recognized credentials. This is an exciting introduction and a great first step for students to become future-ready for advanced education or a promising career path. The new Boaring Game in the course was inspired by the feral pigs in Texas. This game module is essentially a game development code a long, so that students can see the complete game design and development journey to bring a game to market. The game has quickly become a favorite in and out of Texas. For the 2024-2025 school year, we added several new features to the Web and Mobile Game Design course: Critical Thinking in the Workplace This module allows students to earn a resume-building certificate sponsored by a professional association. This lesson set was developed in collaboration with Web Professionals Global. As a development team, we hear from educators and employers about the struggles they face in the classroom and workplace. One of the most common issues is students and recent grads who struggle with critical thinking. Critical thinking impacts work ethic and decision-making in both the classroom and the workplace. It's essential for analyzing facts, situations, statements, and media reports. These lessons focus on teaching students how to think on their own and analyze what they see and hear. Thinking critically allows students to learn how the right mindset can de-escalate verbal conflicts and move the conversation to fact-based discussions rather than personal attacks. If we are to truly teach problem solving, we must first engage with critical thinking. The initial feedback we have heard from teachers is that we have hit the nail on the head of this common problem. Color Theory and Accessibility It is so easy to forget just how powerful color is in our lives, and how color can be used to help our clients with their messaging to their target audience. In this exciting module, students learn how far back color theory goes. They learn that even Sir Issac Newton had a hand in shaping what we now think of as modern color theory. As a global society, color theory becomes increasingly important as different cultures see and use specific colors to mean different things. As professional designers, how we use color can help our clients grow their businesses or do irreparable damage. This set of lessons helps students develop professional portfolios that are global-ready and demonstrate that they understand international-based design. Color theory is crucial to designs that meet and exceed accessibility standards, helping design clients reach broader markets and avoid costly legal issues. Typography with Accessibility Typography is a crucial design element that profoundly impacts user experience. Whether designing a personal blog, e-commerce site, or corporate portfolio, text appearance affects readability, brand perception, and overall aesthetics. This lesson module covers key typographic terminology, highlights the importance of typography in web design, and shows how different styles can transform your client’s website. Students learn to choose and pair fonts effectively, make text stand out without overwhelming readers, and apply typographic scales and line spacing for mobile devices. Good typography supports accessibility and aligns with WCAG standards, ensuring that content is accessible to all users. The skills gained are invaluable for creating engaging, accessible, and professional digital experiences across all design, marketing, and development fields. Take the Next Step Check out this article and this article for testimonials from schools in Plainview and Sadler on the impact our curriculum is making in the classroom. And click here or call us at 913-764-4272 to schedule a free 20-minute demo with a member of our development team. We would love to help your school join our community of Texas schools that are giving their students the opportunity to explore web and mobile game design and other in-demand STEM careers.
By Joshua Frisch 27 Aug, 2024
Recently we published an article outlining our work with Texas schools to meet specific Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards in the classroom. Today we are highlighting our Web and Computer Animation course and certification , which meets the 130.83 Animation TEKS standard. Let’s take a look. Course Overview Animation for the web is a simple and fun way to introduce the STEM career of animation. Business educators love the marketing emphasis integrated into real-world projects. “Tools of the Trade” media-rich tutorials focus on understanding animation concepts and creative principles as well as using the tools and technology professional animators use every day. Portfolio-building projects and optional international industry-recognized certification enhance students’ marketable skills, college preparation, career readiness, and hireability. Our approach has your students living the life of a new hire at an animation studio. Crafted within this interactive career-simulation, students meet their boss, co-workers, and clients. They get emails, text messages, and voicemails as they live and apply the design process to solve problems and create solutions for their customers. Through this uniquely designed career-themed course, students gain valuable experience with animation creation and design software in making animations for the web. This highly interactive and hands-on course guides students through the thrilling process of creating their own animated shorts. Tutorials, videos, and animations guide students through every stage of animation creation, and they also hear from industry professionals along the way. Students learn critical STEM skills, grow their talents, develop confidence, and build a college and career portfolio they can use to show off their new abilities in this always in-demand STEM field. For the 2024-2025 school year, we added several new features to the Web and Computer Animation course: Critical Thinking in the Workplace This module allows students to earn a resume-building certificate sponsored by a professional association. This lesson set was developed in collaboration with Web Professionals Global , our industry partner that develops and backs the industry certificates offered in CTeLearning courses. As a development team, we hear from educators and employers about the struggles they face in the classroom and workplace. One of the most common issues is students and recent grads who struggle with critical thinking. Critical thinking impacts work ethic and decision-making in both the classroom and the workplace. It's essential for analyzing facts, situations, statements, and media reports. These lessons focus on teaching students how to think on their own and analyze what they see and hear. Thinking critically allows students to learn how the right mindset can de-escalate verbal conflicts and move the conversation to fact-based discussions rather than personal attacks. If we are to truly teach problem solving, we must first engage with critical thinking. The initial feedback we have heard from teachers is that we have hit the nail on the head of this common problem. Color Theory and Accessibility It is so easy to forget just how powerful color is in our lives, and how color can be used to help our clients with their messaging to their target audience. In this exciting module, students learn how far back color theory goes. They learn that even Sir Issac Newton had a hand in shaping what we now think of as modern color theory. As a global society, color theory becomes increasingly important as different cultures see and use specific colors to mean different things. As professional designers, how we use color can help our clients grow their businesses or do irreparable damage. This set of lessons helps students develop professional portfolios that are global-ready and demonstrate that they understand international-based design. Color theory is crucial to designs that meet and exceed accessibility standards, helping design clients reach broader markets and avoid costly legal issues. Your School Could Be Next Check out this article on how we are working with a high school in Manor, TX to equip the next generation of animators. And click here or call us at 913-764-4272 to schedule a free 20-minute demo with a member of our development team. We would love to help your school join our community of Texas schools that are giving their students the opportunity to explore web and computer animation and other in-demand STEM careers.
By Steve Waddell 15 Aug, 2024
We are fortunate to have so many Texas CTE programs working with us here at CTeLearning. We have a number of schools using our courses including Web Design , Web Animation , and Web and Mobile Video Game Design . Today we are taking a look at the Web Design course and certification and why our customers love how it aligns with Texas educational standards to put students on the path to success.  BTW - High employment regions for web designers include California, New York, Illinois, Texas , and Florida, offering employment rates 20-25% higher than the national average. The Web Design course (like the Web Animation and Web and Mobile Video Game Design courses) were spun out several years ago from our original Web Technologies course. We created these new courses to be able to meet specific Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards (TEKS 126.47 for the Web Design course) to show our support for our Texas educators and take advantage of the feedback they give us to better align to their state needs. For anyone not familiar with Texas, TEKS are the state standards for what students should know and be able to do in each subject and grade level. The Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) has the authority to adopt the TEKS for each subject of curricula. We know not every company takes the time to align their curricula to the TEKS. We find the Texas standards very useful in our development and ongoing updates. Finding quality curricula can be difficult, and it is just one of the many reasons our administrators and teachers continue to work with us year after year. Our course is designed to support you in preparing your students for the NOCTI Web Design certification, including both the written and performance assessments. The Web Design - Job Ready certification is listed on the TEA 2022-2024 IBC List for Public School Accountability. The course meets the TEKS 126.47 standard through the industry-based certification (IBC) opportunity we offer to students. Through our partnership with Web Professional Global , the industry association for all careers related to the web, learners can earn their Web Design certification as they progress through the course and build real-world projects. Course Overview Our Web Design career curriculum is a media-rich and highly interactive hands-on course. We created over 200 tutorial videos to guide your students through coding and teach them how to use HTML5 and CSS3 to build websites from scratch. Over fifty individual expert videos coach students through the broader concepts of aesthetics, design, typography, accessibility, color theory, security, content development and managing a web design team. Throughout the course, we engage them with the technical skills they need to make high-performing sites. The course features interviews with working professionals to give real-world perspective to students about putting skills to use in an industry context. And our teachers know that we continue to offer our legendary customer support, as our developers are just a phone call away for any questions you may have. Students also earn two industry certificates as they progress through the curriculum, both of which are terrific resume builders and add depth to your student portfolio. The Ethics in the Workplace module and certificate teaches students core lessons to be ethical working professionals. And for the fall of 2024, we added the Critical Thinking in the Workplace module and certificate. This was in response to what we have heard from our teachers and industry advisors who shared that they were seeing students struggle with critical thinking, problem solving, and being able to argue their position without resorting to verbal fighting. Our lead developer, Steve Waddell, has helped support the Texas SkillsUSA program with their Web Design and Development competition for the past several years. This state competition, like competitions in other states around the country, offers awardees the opportunity to compete at the national SkillsUSA National Leadership & Skills Conference that is held in Atlanta, GA every June. Contact us Today Are you ready to introduce your Texas students to the growing world of web design? Our Web Design course is an exciting introduction to future educational and professional opportunities in the world of the web. Web design isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, and now is the perfect time to show your students how fun it is to design websites like the ones they use everyday. Contact a member of our development team today by clicking here or calling us at 913-764-4272 for a free, no-pressure demo of any of our courses. If you are in a state other than Texas, ask us about how our courses align with other state standards. And stay tuned for future articles on our Web Animation course and Web and Mobile Game Design course. We are excited for another great year serving our teachers and students.
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