
Haven High School Students Receive Industry Certification In Mobile Application Design and Paid Internships – Press Release

Steve Waddell • Feb 14, 2016


Haven, Kansas February 15, 2016 – Four Haven High School Students are the first Kansas High School students this year to achieve Mobile Application Design and Development industry credentials. The industry professional association and course provider are proud to congratulate these students for receiving their certifications associated with Haven High’s Mobile Application Design and Development course.


One of the Haven students has already been offered a paid internship with a Kansas company, and another business has stepped forward to offer a similar opportunity for another Haven student. The internships will be announced later this month. The internships are not requiring the students to leave home but are allowing them to stay in Haven and gain experience with their new skills and credentials.

Haven High School is in its second year teaching this Mobile Application Design and Development course. The educator responsible for this success is Jessica Wilson. Ms. Wilson teaches a number of Business, Career and Technical Education courses including HTML5 Web Design and Coding & 3D Video Game Design.

The newly credentialed app designers are: Joseph Shaw, Jacob McGraw, Justin Carlson, and Alyssa Enfield.

When asked about her experience, Ms. Wilson said, “The students at Haven High School are all around wonderful, and these four are no exception. New to the district and in my fifth year of teaching, I didn’t know what to expect from of this Mobile Application Development course – having never taught anythinglike it before.

CTe Learning’s Steve and Donna have been great mentors and I feel well supported. I am excited for next year and, even more, Haven students earning this level of recognition. I’m probably the most proud however, at the success rate of this particular class of students – 4 out of 5 earned the full certification. I have to give these students 100% credit for that – I’m learning right alongside them. We are in this together, and I love it.”

Freshman Alyssa Enfield, one of the newly credentialed students said, “I think the best part of the class was receiving the certification and having that feeling of accomplishment and also knowing that you can use it for future jobs and creating applications too.”

WebProfessionals High School Credit

The certification earned by the Haven HS students is delivered by, the premier industry association for Web Design, IT and Connected App developers.’s Chair Bill Cullifer and Co-Chair Mark DuBois were key to the creation of the Certified Mobile Application Design credentials.

The industry certification is an optional element for this course. Many students take the course for only High School credit. Those who want to gain the coveted industry credentials must receive a minimum course grade, meet all project performance requirements as required. Meet all career portfolio and presentation requirements.

Exhibit professionalism in all class activities. Receive a recommendation of their educator to sit for the industry credentials exam. Ms. Wilson’s students took the proctored exam at Haven High.

“This truly exemplifies our Live Rural, Learn Rural and Work Global push,” spoke Steve Waddell, the founder of CTe Learning. “There is no reason for students, wherever they live, to not get the opportunity to discover their passions and talents for these high-demand STEM careers.

Years ago, the wisdom of the day was that if you wanted to work in these types of technology careers, you had to leave the rural community and move to suburban/urban space. Those days are long gone and have been for a while. Jessica, Haven High and her students are showing everyone just that.”


“We are very proud of Wilson’s students. The students at Haven are getting terrific career opportunities thanks to a forward thinking administration and great teachers. We love seeing students take these first important steps towards high demand STEAM / STEM careers.” commented Donna Goodman,’s Director of Professional Development.


CTe Learning | I Support Learning, Inc. is an award-winning educational company specializing in innovative career and technology (CTE) oriented courseware. Courseware and systems designed to support educators tasked with ensuring students meaningfully engage, learn and meet Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) standards (also known as STEAM = STEM+Art) . is proud to work with thousands of students in hundreds of brick and mortar
schools, online institutions, colleges and vocational schools across the United States.

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You can book a demo directly using Calendly, call us directly at 913-764-4272 or 877-828-1216, or submit the form below and we will reach out to you.

We look forward to helping you and your students.

students with STEM certifications

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